How can I calculate my store’s conversion rate for the past 30 days?

By Rumen Dimitrov • 2 min read

There is a formula you can use, but you can also find the metric calculated for you in Google Analytics and your Shopify dashboard. Still, understanding what goes into that number will help you filter out the noise from your data.

The formula

Your conversion rate for the past 30 days is the total number of orders on your store for the same period, divided by the total sessions for that period.

Example: You got 20,000 browsing sessions to your site last month. These usually come from less than 20,000 Unique Visitors. You also got 400 orders. Thus, your conversion rate is 400/20,000 = 0.02, i.e. 2%

Finding the stats in Google Analytics:

If you have “Ecommerce tracking” enabled on your Shopify store, you have this metric calculated for you. (Follow this guide to enable “ecommerce tracking” if you haven’t already: )

To see your store’s conversion rate in Google Analytics go to Conversions > Ecommerce > Overview

Then select a 30 day period from the top right of the screen. (There is a dropdown next to “Date Range” where you can select “Last 30 days” or choose the dates manually)

Then, under the line chart, there is “Revenue” and next to it is “Ecommerce Conversion Rate” for the selected period.

You can also check your Shopify dashboard for the same metric.

But is this your “true conversion” rate? What visitors and orders should go into calculating your conversion rate?

Dealing with irrelevant data

Getting more noise in your data is very easy.

First, Shopify doesn’t distinguish between test and real orders. If you’ve been tuning the checkout of your store during the last 30 days, your total orders will be off.

Second, imagine a bot finds your website and performs many small 1-5second visits only to create referral spam for you. Yes, these do exist. In such a case your conversion rate would plummet, as you’ll have more sessions.

Or, say you only ship to the US. So you advertise only to US citizens. Somehow Google picks your site up and now, thanks to your SEO, people from outside the US visit your store. If you don’t want to sell to them (or can’t) should you care about their visits to your Shopify store? No.

Should you include your visits in your conversion rate calculation? Definitely no.

Shopify reports are not powerful enough to exclude traffic.

But using Google Analytics you can segment and filter the irrelevant traffic. This will result in a more accurate conversion rate calculation that is in line with your goals.

Less noise, more signal to guide you.

If you’ve read this far, you’ll like my guide to discovering missed revenue opportunities on your Shopify store!

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    Rumen Dimitrov