The Quick Shop Low Info Diet
Last time I explained how the visitors to your Shopify store don’t get fast loading times because of the widely spread problems with Quick Shop implementation.
Speedy shopping experience is not the only thing you’re losing when you have Quick Shop turned on…
Despite the speed of your Shopify store, there will always be loyal visitors that don’t get scared by slow loading pages. They’ll actually suffer through the loading process and continue browsing your site. Still, you miss an essential part of data from their shopping journey. Here is how:
Quick Shop gives a way for people to view details about your product right from your home/collection page. This happens without them visiting your product page.
That “page skipping behavior” is a big problem in funnel analysis. In the typical Quick Shop implementations I’ve seen, “no traffic to the product page” means that Google Analytics doesn’t record “viewing product info” as a step people take in browsing your website. But you know some of it happened, right? That’s what Quick Shop is for—providing product information sooner.
Sidenote: You can see a decent representation of your funnel in Conversions > E-commerce > Shopping Behavior in Google Analytics
Incomplete data results in incorrect conclusions
With less tracked traffic to your product pages, analytics data for your funnel shows that people are dropping off after they see your home or collection page. From that you can conclude that there is something wrong with your collections and people are not interested in your products. And you would be wrong, because you are making a conclusion based on incomplete data.
The partial behavior data may lead you to believe that collection pages need to be improved first. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on Shopify apps and developers to improve your collection page, only to see your conversion rate stay the same or even worse—drop.
The Map Is Not The Territory
With Quick Shop on, you are missing on capturing and measuring the interest in your products. You just know if people are adding to cart and ordering. But there are many steps before that, which could be tracked and optimized.
Deficient data means that any conversion rate optimization effort you take on will require more time, effort and money to fix the data gathering process, wait for new data to be gathered correctly and then act on it. That’s only if you or the person doing CRO for you know that the data is incomplete.
Collecting data that represents the actual behavior of your visitors is an asset that can help you move closer towards what your customers want. So clear the road ahead—remove Quick Shop from your store.
If you’ve read this far, you’ll like my guide to discovering missed revenue opportunities on your Shopify store!